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  • Writer's picturePinky Yadav

Mystery of History!

Updated: Nov 29, 2018

As a school going kid there were 2 subjects that I would think are ridiculous 1st and foremost Maths (but obvio) and 2nd History. I never understood which year, which battle was fought, and where and why is its an such a importance to us. But as time flew by Irealized that history is quite funny and creepy.

Wanna know how?

Here's a small glimpse for you - before dentures were invented, teeth were pulled out of the mouth of dead soldiers for use as a prosthetic, quite creepy isn't it?

1. Killer Horoscope

"Free free free customized, ten-page horoscope!", isn't it attractive? The promotion went out in a French daily paper on April 16, 1968. Everyone only needed to do was to send in their name, address, date, place of birth, and they would receive a 10 page customized horoscope. 500 individuals got their horoscopes. Encouraged to answer back, many were awed by the precision of their profiles. About 95% guaranteed they were right on target. Each respondent was sent precisely the same report. The trick was done by a therapist Michel Gauquelin, who had charged an expert astrologer to complete a graph and understanding of a genuine individual. That individual was Dr. Marcel Petiot—one of France's most famous serial killer. He had 135 criminal accusations, and was indicted for 26 kills and was sentenced to beheading. Horrorscoply fooled!!!

2. Foot Binding

Foot binding was the custom of applying the tight binding of the feet of young ladies to adjust the shape and size of their feet. It was practiced in China from the Song tradition until the mid 20th century, and bound feet were viewed as a symbol of status and a sign of magnificence. Foot binding was also called as lotus feet. What a horror!!!

3. Urine Mouthwash

Utilizing mouthwash originates from old Rome, in A.D. 1. The Romans used to purchase containers of Portuguese pee and utilize that as a flush. Bringing in packaged pee turned out to be popular to the point that the sovereign Nero exhausted the exchange. The ammonia in pee was thought to sanitize mouths and brighten teeth, and pee remained a well known mouthwash fixing until the 18th century. So gross ewwww😖!

4. The Princeton Cat Experiment

In 1929 Ernest Wever and Charles Bray proceeded to remove part of a cat’s skull, along with most of its brain, and attach an electrode to the animal’s right auditory nerve and another to the cat’s body. Those electrodes were hooked up to an amp and the signals were sent to a telephone receiver. To Ernie and Chuck’s surprise, when they talked into the ear of the cat, the sound could be heard in the receiver. IT WORKED! The cat itself acted as the telephone’s transmitting end. Meow Meow Meow I won't let you do that again with you!

5. Children's Sent Via Post

At the point when the Post Office's Parcel Post formally started on January 1, 1913, the new administration all of a sudden enabled a huge number of Americans extraordinary access to a wide range of products and enterprises. Be that as it may, very quickly, it had some unintended results as a few parents attempted to send their kids through the mail. As postage was less expensive than a train ticket. Nice way to get rid of your children's 😆

I hope you had fun and interesting time with Factomaniac. Do let us know your suggestions and views in the comment section. Till then keep rocking all the handsomes out their and keep smiling all the beauties out their.

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