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  • Writer's picturePinky Yadav

Internet Wala Fact

Updated: Dec 8, 2018

The palpable curiosity I had when I entered the dingy lit shop is still fresh in my memory. It feels like it happened just yesterday. Curious, nervous and almost peeing in my pants I asked the hairy man  in front of me "how much for an hour?" The reply was curt " Bhees Rupay" (Rs.20). "Okay, show me the place" I said politely ( rather nervously). He just pointed at the corner of the shop. While I had experienced it in school, it was my  first time outside the school. 

With sweat dripping down my forehead I reached the allotted location and sat down on the chair that was there. With trembling hands I reached for my mouse and made the cursor go to the desired icon. And there it was, the most amazing thing created by man, THE INTERNET. (Haha I know what you guys thought of).

Admit it, internet is the coolest thing created my humans. Be it of any age, gender, caste, color, etc. everyone is on the internet and it become an integral part of our lives. Today I bring to you some of the coolest and fun facts about our best friend, the internet!

1. First Website

The first web page went live on August 6, 1991. It was committed to provide data on the World Wide Web venture and was made by Tim Berners-Lee. The site address is, and it is still online. It plot how to make Web pages and clarified more about hypertext. Isn't it cool?

2. G-Mail Stands For Garfield Mail offered a "G-Mail" service, however did it from Entirely independently, an organization called US Email offered a web-mail benefit from It was US Email that possessed the space name, despite the fact that additionally offered a web-mail benefit called "G-Mail." Sometime in the mid 2000s US Email close down and responsibility for went through somewhere around one other proprietor, a now-ancient Burbank law office, before being gotten by Google in mid 2004. So indeed, Garfield did once offer a Gmail benefit, however "he" never claimed, and he never sold it to Google.

3. 80% Images On Internet Are Of Naked Women's

It shows that internet loves explicit contents. As 12% Of all existing websites online are NSFW and 1 out of every 3 downloads is NSFW. Investigating further it showed that Sunday is the day of maximum consumption. Now we know why people like to stay in door on Sunday's!!!

4. Boot Camps For Internet Addicts

China is the world's biggest online network. In 2008, China turned into the principal nation to perceives web as a clinical disorder. It has since been endeavoring to handle this 21st-century issue with at times exceptionally questionable systems. Till that time the quantity of addicts has detonated, as well. Hence, Xu opened his school in 1997, and was the primary training camps in China for web addicts.

5. Fastest Internet

South Koreans have the fastest internet speed on the planet with an incredible 26.6 megabit for each second web data transmission. South Korea's 92% populace is associated with the web. They have hi-tech bus stops and virtual grocery stores. This country has outpaced the world in terms of internet.

6. Darknet

The deep web / invisible web / hidden web / darknet / darkweb / are parts of the World Wide Web whose content are not filed by standard web crawlers. The content is cover behind HTTP forms, and incorporates numerous extremely regular uses, for example, mail, and administrations that clients must pay for, and which is ensured by a paywall. Content of the deep web can be found by an URL or IP address, and may require password or other security access.

7. 5 Years, 4 Months On Internet

Time spent on social media varies over every stage. YouTube comes in first, expending more than 40 mins of a man's day i.e. 1 year and 10 months in a lifetime. Facebook users will spend a normal of 35 mins every day, totaling 1 year and 7 months in a lifetime. Snapchat and Instagram come in next with 25 mins and 15 mins spent every day, separately. At last, users will put in 1 minute on Twitter, traversing 18 days of utilization in a lifetime. Total time spend on social media is 5 years 4 months, which will keep on increasing in the coming years.

8. Insurance

Insurance is the most expensive CPC keyword costing you $54.91. Isn't it hilarious?

9. Digital Birth

Digital birth is known as the age at which a child first has an online presence. 23% of children begin their digital lives when parents upload their prenatal sonogram scans to the Internet. 7% of babies and toddlers have an email address created for them by their parents, and 5% have a social network profile. I am sure Taimur is one of them!

10. Despacito

Despacito is the most viewed video on Youtube. It has 5.74 billion views until now. It was uploaded on 12 January 2017 and still stands on top of the list.

I hope you had fun and interesting time with Factomaniac. Do let us know your suggestions and views in the comment section. Till then keep rocking all the handsomes out their and keep smiling all the beauties out their.

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