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  • Writer's picturePinky Yadav

Enthralling body facts

The other day I was at the gym doing lunges and squats (the exercises I abhor the most) with some motivation (rather screaming) from my gym trainer as I was cutting corners while performing them. Cut to later that evening, my friends were really happy to see my new "walking style" (pun totally intended). But the next day, to my utter disbelief, the excruciating pain in my legs had subdued and I was back to my "old" walking style. This incident brought out the curious kid in me (it's hard being an adult anyway) and left me wondering how complex yet astonishing our body is. Just to give you guys a gist of how crazy the human body is here one for you - There are more bacteria in a human mouth than there are people in the world. Woah!! You gotta watch your mouth before you speak, lol 🤣

The curious kid and the enthralling facts on human body ( I know it sounds damn kwel)

1. Smell is the last sense

Does your spouse/ boyfriend/girlfriend has bad breath and wake up beside you every morning? Well, you are saved (although for a short time) by your smell sense. When we wake up, our smell sensory organ is activated last after the other 4 sensory organs are activated. But still, it's never too late to tell your loved ones that their breath stinks.

2. Fetus can heal mother's wound

A pregnant mother's embryo can send its own stem cells to its mother to fix harmed organs (Awww).The exchange and fuse of fetal stem cells into a mother's organs is alluded to as fetomaternal microchimerism. A 2016 paper in the Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology characterizes the wonder in this manner: "Fetal cell microchimerism is characterized as the tirelessness of fetal cells in the mother for quite a long time after pregnancy with no clear dismissal. Fetal microchimeric cells (fmcs) engraft the maternal bone marrow and can move through the flow and to achieve tissues."

3. Men's can also have a uterus

Yes, you read that right. According to NCBI males with a uterus and Fallopian tubes, a rare disorder of sexual development. A man (46, XY) is described with an intraabdominal uterus and Fallopian tubes. His testes, each of which contained a gonadoblastoma, occupied the intraabdominal adnexal position, leaving the scrotum empty. His external genitalia were unambiguously male. A vagina opened into the urethra. His presenting complaint was inguinal hernia. This developmental defect has been described previously, but genetic aspects and its relation to other conditions, "mixed" gonadal dysgenesis in particular, remains obscure pending the recognition and reporting of more cases studied in the light of recent cytogenetic advances. Well, all we can say is WHAT THE F*#@?????

4. Brain no pain

There are no pain receptors in the brain itself. But he meninges (coverings around the brain), periosteum (coverings on the bones), and the scalp all have pain receptors. Medical procedure should be possible on the cerebrum and in fact the mind does not feel that torment. All things considered, the cerebrum is the apparatus we use to distinguish torment. That is so cool!!

5. Sneezes are very swift

"Sneezes travel at around 100 miles for each hour," says Patti Wood, creator of Success Signals: Understanding Body Language . She includes that a solitary sneeze can send 100,000 germs into the air. *Aaachoo*

6. Bone is stronger than steel

Human bone is about five times stronger than steel if both of them have the same weight. Yo man, I have got steel body!

7. You loose 4 kg skin cells

In spite of the fact that you can't see it occurring, each moment of the day we lose around 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells off the surface of our skin. So just in the time it took you to peruse this far, you've most likely lost around 40,000 cells. That is right around 9 pounds (4 kilograms) of cells consistently in a year! Easiest way to lose weight at least this way phew!

8. Brain can survive without oxygen!

The cerebrum can make due for up to around six minutes after the heart stops. The motivation to learn Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is that if CPR is begun inside six minutes of heart failure, the cerebrum may endure the absence of oxygen. "6 minute zindagi k!"

9. Human eye is 576 megapixels resolution

According to scientist and photographer Dr. Roger Clark, the resolution of the human eye is 576 megapixel, which is a moderate gauge since this just pegs the review edge at 120 degrees, and the human eye really ranges a greater field of perspective of 180 degrees. Bhaiyaji ismile! 📸

10. Testicles

On the off chance that your testicles were in your body and you develop sperm were warmed to body temperature, you would be fruitless. The sperm should be a couple of degrees lower than body temperature. In this way, that is why they are in a sack hanging outside your body. Chalo hawa aane do💨!!

I hope you had fun and interesting time with Factomaniac. Do let us know your suggestions and views in the comment section. Till then keep rocking all the handsomes out their and keep smiling all the beauties out their.

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